Enatsubo (胞衣壺)
Enatsubo is a container or pot in which the placenta of human beings are placed when being buried. This pot was traditionally used by people to bury placenta in the ground near the entrance to the house or under the doma (dirt floor room within the house) to pray for their children's sound growth and social success. Some groups are known to bury coins together with the placenta.
In Japan, the oldest enatsubo was found at the remains of an "Umegame" (facility for burying deep pot-type pottery made in the Jomon period) in the middle of the Jomon period. The tradition of burying placenta had already been established during the ancient times. Enatsubo has been excavated at Akita-jo Castle in Akita City, Akita Prefecture and Nagaoka-kyo (the ancient capital of Nagaoka) in Muko City and Nagaokakyo City, Kyoto Prefecture.