Moromi (もろみ)

"もろみ (moromi) also spelled as醪・諸味" refers to the softly solidified product where the ingredients in the brewed liquid for making soy sauce, sake and so on fermented.


Concerning the moromi of Japanese sake, as defined in the fourteenth section in the third article of the Liquor Tax Act, the softly solidified product which remains after wringing the liquid sake out of the moromi is regarded as "sakekasu" (sake lees) and is used for the material for "tsukemono" (Japanese pickled vegetables), "amazake" (sweet mild sale) and vinegar. And "moromi vinegar" in Okinawa prefecture uses as its ingredient the sakekasu of "awamori" (strong Okinawa liquor) which includes lots of citric acids and is produced by acetic-fermenting this.

The solidified product before wringing the liquid out of the moromi (諸味) of soy sauce is called 'the fruit of soy sauce,' and in Yamagata prefecture, Nigata prefecture, Nagano prefecture, Kumamoto prefecture and so on, it is eaten directly or used as a condiment. However, the solidified product which remains after wringing is usually processed as "shoyukasu" (soy sauce lees) and they are looking for a way of effectively utilizing it.

Moromi miso

A group of the food classified as 'moromi miso' is often produced in order for the 'moromi' itself to be eaten directly, which is not a 'moromi of miso' but is similar to moromi of soy sauce. Basically, the rice malt which is produced from barley, soybean, rice and so on by a method similar to that of making soy sauce is immersed in salted water which is not so much as in soy sauce and matured.

Now in the food industry, it is often produced by immersing it in the liquid which includes seasonings such as soy sauce, salt, sugars and so on.

Kinzanji-miso,' 'Kinzanji-natto'
Hishiho,' 'Hishio-miso'
Shoyu no mi' (fruit of soy sauce), 'shoi no mi' and 'shonshon'

[Original Japanese]