Warikanoko (a kind of traditional hair styles of females which were popular in the Edo period) (割り鹿の子)

Warikanoko was a hairstyle widely worn by women from their late teens to early twenties in the late Edo period.

This hairstyle, in which the chignon of Marumage (rounded hair style of a married woman) was split in two and tied showing a decorative cloth, was commonly worn by wives of wealthy merchants and sometimes by unmarried women working at restaurants such as Machiai-jaya (tea house to lend seats and tables, or rooms).

It was somewhat a reversed version of Ichogaeshi (butterfly style) hairstyle, and the decorative kanoko cloth (tie-dyed cloth with a pattern of minute rings), which bound up the chignon through a kogai (hair combing up spatula), gave a sweet impression.


Tie the hair into a ponytail, stick a kogai into the roots of the knot, tie the middle of the ponytail with a paper cord and divide it into two, and put them on both ends of kogai, turning the hair bundles inside out.

Then, also divide the end of the part tied with a paper cord into two, make loops, and twist them around the roots of the hair crossing each other (just like making Chigomage [hairstyle for kids] on the back of the head). Finish it by putting a tegara, decorative cloth, through the kogai.

[Original Japanese]