Kanjosho (勘定所)

Kanjosho is the name of an office or a governing organization established for finance and civil administration in the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), in each domain and at each hatamoto (direct retainers of the Edo bakufu). It is often headed by kanjo bugyo (commissioner of finance). Each bugyosho had different official duties, organization and year of foundation.

Its general duties are:

Those by the local governor, who administrates agricultural policies of the directly controlled area.

-Collection of land taxes called nengu, etc.

Those by the magistrate of the district, who is in charge of the operations covering the directly controlled area and the territory given by the shogun or feudal lord as salaries.

-Transmission of bakufu orders, law and order, flood control, development of new fields, etc.

As stated above, they are roughly classified into two. In the Edo bakufu, the two types of operations are integrated into the kanjosho, but many of the domains have two independent organizations.


Headed by kanjo bugyo, the kanjosho was composed of auditors, chief financial officers, accountants and managing accountants.

There were two offices: "Goten kanjosho" in the Edo Castle and "Shimo kanjosho" in the Ote-mon Gate.


In the Tenna era and thereafter, regional magistrates and local governors were bureaucratized, and the governing system integrating commissioners of finance to local governors was developed.

In 1721, the kanjosho was divided into two departments of "kattekata" (in charge of agriculture and finance) and "kujikata" (in charge of lawsuits).


[Original Japanese]