Kyoto Province Kamo-gawa River Act (京都府鴨川条例)

The Kyoto Province Kamo-gawa River Act is an act by Kyoto Province. It was promulgated on 10 July 2007 and introduced on 1 April 2008.

Its purpose is 'to promote the policy to achieve a peaceful, safe, good and comfortable environment for Kamo-gawa River and other rivers, and to hand down provincial heritage Kamo-gawa River and other rivers to our descendants' (from the preamble). It was the first act as general regulation for rivers in Japan. The Shimanto-gawa River Act' of Kochi Province is a similar act.

Chapter 1: General rules (Article 1 to 5)
Chapter 2: Ensuring security and safety (Article 6 and 7)
Chapter 3: Preservation of a good environment for rivers
Section 1: Designated area of Kamo-gawa River for the preservation of the environment (Article 8 to 12)
Section 2: Making fine scenery (Article 13 to 15)
Chapter 4: Ensuring comfortable use (Article 16 to 23)
Chapter 5: Promotion of cooperation between the Province and the residents (Article 24 to 26)
Chapter 6: Other rules (Article 27 and 28)
Chapter 7: Penalty (Article 29 to 34)
Supplementary rules

Kamo-gawa River and other rivers
The designated area for regulation is 'Kamo-gawa River and other rivers'. Kamo-gawa River and other rivers' includes Kamo-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River system) and Takano-gawa River (Kyoto City). Since 'Kamo-gawa River (鴨川)' is commonly considered to indicate the rivers which are designated by River Act as 'the class A river Yodo-gawa River system Kamo-gawa River', it is supposed to include the north area of the meeting of Kamo-gawa River and Takano-gawa River as well, although the river of the area is written as '賀茂川' or '加茂川' (the pronunciations are the same as '鴨川').

Contents of the regulation
For the preservation of a good environment for rivers, 'Noryo-yuka (famous wooden terraces)' by Kamo-gawa River is to be applied to the Administrative Procedure Act Chapter 2, which the governor has the authority to permit. To ensure comfortable use, these acts below are regulated, and punishments for violations are provided.

Bicycles and other vehicles prohibited. Parking bicycles and motorcycles prohibited. Use of fireworks and other similar acts (using smoke and fire to propel objects, shoot off objects and make explosions) prohibited. Graffiti prohibited. Barbecues and other similar acts (roasting or broiling food on a fire) prohibited. Graffiti is prohibited in whole area of 'Kamo-gawa River and other rivers', the other violation acts are prohibited within the designated area which was notified in the notices by Kyoto Prefecture. For example, barbecues are prohibited near Hiiragino-entei Bank as well as in the vicinity of Demachiyanagi Station and Kamo-ohashi Bridge.

Fireworks are prohibited all day.

Double administrative management
As to bicycles parked on the roads illegally, Kyoto City hitherto had management of removing those bicycles by 'the Kyoto City Prevention Act against Parked Bicycle and Other Vehicles'. However, on the introduction of the Kamo-gawa River Act, as to bicycles parked illegally on the designated area by the rivers, Kyoto Prefecture began the management. It was pointed out to be inefficient, so recently those managements are being adjusted in 'the Panel Discussion for the Administrative Cooperation' as a part of the cooperation between the prefecture and the city.

[Original Japanese]