Kagurauta (神楽歌)

Kagurauta is a song performed in Kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrines).

The following 37 songs are known today.

To be precise, the Achime is not a song but refers to rules of etiquette.

Torimono-uta song:
Sakaki,Mitegura,Tsue, Sasa (bamboo grasses), Yumi (a bow), Tachi (a sword), Hoko (a decorative float used in festival), Hisago, katsura (vines), Karakami. This song is given the name of Torimono-uta because the nincho (chief kagura dancer) took these tools when dancing.

Miyabito, Yushide, Naniwagata, Saihari, Shinakatori
Komomakura, Shizuya, Isoragasaki, Sasanami, Uetsuki, Agemaki, Omiya, Minatoda, Kirigirisu, Senzai (Some suggest that 'Senzai' is excluded.)
Kikiriri, Tokusenko, Yutsukuru
Hirume, Yudachi, Asakura, Sonokoma (Some suggest that 'Senzai' is included.)

The songs generally consist of 31 characters with a melody written in and after the Nara period.

The song called 'Miyabito' and those listed below it were originally Saibara (of a genre of Heian-period Japanese court music (primarily consisting of gagaku-styled folk melodies)). These songs later belonged to the genre of Kagurauta song because they were performed as a side show of Kagura.

17 songs are performed today. In particular, 'Shizuya' and 'Isoragasaki' are said to be performed in Kinen-sai (prayer service for a good crop) and Niiname-sai (ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities) festival, and 'Hirume' only in Daijo-sai festival (a festival to celebrate the succession of an emperor) as a secret music.

[Original Japanese]