Kayanarumi (カヤナルミ)

Kayanarumi is a female deity whose name is written 賀夜奈流美 in "Izumo kokuso kamuyogoto" (Divine Words of the Ritual Priest of Izumo Taisha Shrine), which can be found in the section on prayer rituals in the "Engishiki" (Regulations and Laws of the Engi Era), and 加夜奈留美 at Asukani Imasu-jinja Shrine and Kayanarumi-jinja Shrine. Some believes it is a male deity, however.

"Izumo kokuso kamuyogoto" contains a sentence indicating that Kayanarumi was one of the guardian gods of the Imperial family, along with 'Omononushikushikamikatama no mikoto', 'Ajisukitakahikone no mikoto', and Kotoshironushi no mikoto. The name is also written with the Chinese characters 賀屋鳴比女 in "Engishiki kutaishiki" and "Ruijusandaikyaku." The name "Kayanarumi" is not mentioned in the "Kojiki" (Records of Ancient Matters) or the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), so her origins are unknown. Still, it is believed that Kayanarumi is related to Torinarumi or Nunoshitomitorinarumi (both are male deities), who are mentioned in the genealogy of Okuninushi in the "Kojiki."

According to "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts)," Kayanarumi no kami was promoted from Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) to Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) on January 27, 859 (according to the lunar calendar).


Asukaniimasu-jinja Shrine
- enshrined deity: Kayanarumi
Kayanaruminomikoto-jinja Shrine
- enshrined deity: Kayanarumi
Daigyojisha Shrine (subordinate to Omiwa-jinja Shrine)
- enshrined deities: Kayanarumi no kami, Kotoshironushi no kami, Yahirowani
The history is unknown.
However, according to the sixth addendum to the "Nihonshoki," 'Kotoshironushi no kami transformed into Yahiro no Kumawani to marry Mishima no Mizokuihime, also called Tamakushihime, and the child was born named Himetataraisuzuhimenomikoto, who became the wife of Kamuyamatoiwarehiko Hohodemino sumeramikoto.'
And the "Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History) states 'Tsumihayae kotoshironushinokami transformed into Yahiro no Kumawani to marry the daughter of Mishima no Mizokuihime, Ikutamayorihime, and had a boy and a girl,' indicating Kotoshironushi no kami transformed into Yahirowani.

[Original Japanese]