Nakagawa-no-mikuriya Manor (中河御厨)

Nakagawa-no-mikuriya Manor was a shoen (manor in medieval Japan) that existed in Mino Province during the Heian and Azuchi-Momoyama periods. It was an estate of Ise-jingu Shrine. It was also called Nakagawa no mikuriya (中河御厨).


Anpachi District, Mino Province
It was located in the vicinity of modern-day Nakagawa-cho, Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture.


About 353.05ha as of the early Kamakura period.



Feudal Lord

Head Family
Ise-jingu Shrine → Tokumune of the Hojo clan → Ise-jingu Shrine
Ryoke (Lord of the Manor)
Tadakata TSUKINOWA → Tokifusa MADENOKOJI, etc.


Although the Ogasawara clan extended its control as jito (manager and lord of the manor) during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts and the Muromachi period, the manor continued to function as a shinryo (shrine estate) until the Sengoku period (period of Warring States).


Around the middle of 12th century, it became a Saisho (provincial government office (kokuga) in charge of tax collection and management of official articles) for the articles related to the shrine estates that circulated in Mino Province. For shinzei (rice field tax levied and reserved for emergency expenses for the shrine), the manor was obliged to supply 50-koku (approximately 9 cubic meters) of rice and 20-hiki (242.40m) of silk to the naigu (inner shrine), and 25-koku (approximately 4.5 cubic meters) of rice and 10-hiki (121.20m) of silk to the gegu (outer shrine).

[Original Japanese]