The Third Ito Cabinet (第3次伊藤内閣)

ITO organized the Cabinet in place of Masayoshi MATSUKATA, the previous prime minister, who dissolved the House of Representatives aiming for increase in land taxes, but lost confidence in management of such political situation. However, without cooperation by the Progressive Party (Japan) and the Liberal Party (Japan) (Japan 1890-1898) opposing to the plan to increase land taxes, he had to organize the Chonen (doctrine of superiority) cabinet consisting of the Minister of Education, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce and Minister of Communication from his own group ("government officials from ITO group"), and the Minister of Home Affairs (Japan), Minister of Justice and Minister of Army from Aritomo YAMAGATA group.

In the 5th general election of members of the House of Representatives, both the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party overwhelmed and against this, ITO dissolved the House of Representatives again only 3 months after the election. However, Since the Progressive Party and the Liberal Party formed the Constitutional Party together against this and the House of Peers (Japan) also took uncooperative attitude to the Government, which made ITO realize his own poor handling of the political situation and made decision to form a new party, he reported to the Emperor to make either of Shigenobu OKUMA or Taisuke ITAGAKI of the Constitutional Party as his successor and resigned the cabinet en masse, in spite of opposition by Aritomo YAMAGATA and others.

Period being in office

Period being in office; January 12, 1898 - June 30, 1898

Minister of State

[Original Japanese]